Wednesday, March 11, 2009

STI: The specialists

March 12, 2009

The specialists

This is the final segment of a four-part series on medical specialists. MARGARET LEE tells us why and when we should consult them




When do you consult this specialist?


Psychiatrists are mental health professionals who diagnose, treat and help prevent disorders of the mind through talk therapy.


In addition, they give an opinion in court, prescribe medication and assess other physical ailments.


When should you consult one?


Mood and external factors can impact on your emotional state. Therefore, during times of stress you may need to see a psychiatrist regardless of your condition.


Generally, anyone with mental or emotional health concerns may be referred to one, for example, children with dyslexia or autism. Also, people who are stressed or those having thoughts of self-harm.


How often?


Dr Brian Yeo, a consultant psychiatrist at Mt Elizabeth Medical Centre, sees most of his patients on a fortnightly or a monthly basis.


For simpler cases, like helping with concentration, he sees patients once every few months. He said that in the field of psychiatry, phone consultations are also an alternative to face-to-face meetings.




Why should you consult one?


Psychologists may be consulted for any psychological, emotional, behavioural and learning difficulties. This applies to children, teenagers and adults.


When should you consult one?


When you feel that you are not able to handle your negative feelings or emotions and that it has affected your way of thinking and behaving. When these feelings or emotions start to affect your routine or behaviour.


Generally, anyone who feels that he or she is not able to handle their surroundings, work, studies, daily events either emotionally or psychologically.


How often?


Psychologist Daniel Koh of Insights-Tse said that this depends on the type of problem, its severity and the duration the patient has suffered from it.




When do you see one?


Urologists can be consulted for problems relating to the entire urinary system - including the kidney and the bladder.


When should you consult one?


When you have urinary concerns. This includes males over 50 years old and females who experience incontinence and micro or macroscopic haematuria, that is, the presence of blood in the urine.


Males should start consulting a urologist once they turn 50 as a preventive measure against prostate cancer.


Men and women should start consulting a urologist when they have a specific problem, such as kidney stones, a urinary tract infection and incontinence. They will usually be referred by a GP.


How often?


For males, prostate consultations usually take place once a year, unless there is something more serious whereby the urologist will advise more frequent consultations. For females, they should consult as needed, that is, if they have symptoms that indicate a urinary system disorder.

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